Bar 399

Global Liberalisation and Mental Health

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There's a heading that's a mouthful.

I'm probably delving into a topic way above my pay grade here, but I have a habit of taking on tasks that are bigger than me.

Continuity of identity is an issue for many of us on the planet these days. My family tree in the short term is a great example of this. My dad was born in India, he moved to London, where he never truly fitted in, I was born in London and I moved to Australia, where I don't truly fit in, chances are my son will move to another country when he grows up as well, with the wandering genetics he has inherited, and he most likely will never truly fit in either.

When they made humans we lived in our area and we knew our people, this gave us a continuity of identity, we knew who we were, where we came from and where we belonged.

In an attempt to keep this short, we'll abridge the story and get to the point.

Many factors changed, "the we lived in our area", Freddie Laker and the foundation of budget airlines, the internet, global liberalisation and TV among them. All things that informed us and empowered us to be somewhere else.

The missing continuity of identity is, I feel a great contributing factor to why so many people end up with mental health issues, there are obviously many factors that contribute to this and they're outside what I can discuss in a two minute chat.

When we were in our area and we knew our people, our uncles's, auntie's, cousins, grandparents and other relatives as well as the local publican, shopkeeper and so on, were we anxious? Did we doubt who we were? and our place in the world.

Your thoughts?

Wednesday August 25th, 2021
Monday June 28th, 2021

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